Nicola Specchio
Department of Neuroscience, Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital
Nicola Specchio is Head of the Epilepsy Unit in the Department of Neuroscience at Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy. Within his role, he is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with pediatric epilepsy. This includes the presurgical evaluation of patients with drug resistant epilepsy and the selection of patients with genetic epilepsies.
Dr Specchio’s main interest lies with seizure semiology and the classification of epileptic seizures and syndromes. He has published papers in many international journals including Epilepsia, Epilepsy Research, and Epilepsy & Behavior, and is currently responsible for several clinical studies regarding the invasive monitoring of patients with epilepsy and the genetic etiology of epileptic encephalopathy in the first three years of life. He is also a principal investigator on different clinical trials in patients with rare and complex epilpesies.
Dr Specchio is a representative of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Europe and of the Italian Chapter of the ILAE.